Medicines Optimisation service evaluation form

Here at Spirit Health, we aim to support the NHS in continuing to deliver quality patient care and products. Your feedback matters, it helps develop new medicines optimisation tools and services to deliver cost efficiencies and improvements within the NHS.

Please complete the following fields:

"*" indicates required fields

Please select how much you agree with the following statements
Spirit communicated with us transparently and honestly*
I was continuously kept up to date with project activities going on*
Practices were happy with the service*
Spirit’s service was efficient and ran smoothly*
Spirit saved my team time*
Spirit’s project achieved its goals*
Spirit understood our challenges and supported us in overcoming them*
I enjoyed working with the Spirit team*
Spirit understood us and our needs*
Would you be happy to use Spirit’s services again in the future?*
Would you recommend our services to other medicines optimisation teams?*
Are you happy for us to contact you to take part in a case study?*

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