Our top 10 highlights from 2023

Looking back at some of our key achievements.

By on December 12, 2023

From launching our multi-award-winning Clinitouch platform internationally, surpassing our goals in supporting the NHS with medicines optimisation, building on our already successful education programmes, fine-tuning our pharmacy offer and providing focused resources for Primary Care – it’s been an exceptional year!

Here we reflect on the steps we’ve taken on our mission to make health easy and share our top 10 highlights from the year.

  1. Spirit Health Foundation is launched.

    We’re passionate about working with the foundation as part of our mission to make health easy and accessible for all. We are providing our support to the Spirit Health Foundation through our health tech platforms, clinical services, people, and know-how.

  2. Award success continues.

    From being recognised as the best Health and Social Care company to work for by Best Companies, to being highly commended in the Business Culture Awards for the Small Business Award – our commitment to creating an environment where everyone thrives has continued to shine.

    It’s not just our culture that we’re known for – it’s the achievements we’re making in digital health.We were highly commended in two categories for the HTN Now awards for both ‘Digital ICS Transformation’ and ‘Excellence in Innovation and Change’. We also picked up the trophy for ‘Replicating Best Digital Practice’ and were finalists for “Improving Out of Hospital Care through Digital’ at the HSJ awards.

    Finally, we won the ‘Advances in Digital Healthcare’ at the Medilink Business Awards.

  3. Clinitouch goes international

    We launched an international partner program and now have 15 resellers in 10 countries across 5 continents, with six master resellers. We have also launched our first international projects in South Africa and Namibia!  

  4. Clinitouch app launched in multiple countries and our first patient monitored overseas

    Patients are now able to reap the rewards of Clinitouch from their personal devices by downloading it from the Apple or Android store. This technological leap made all the international work possible.

  5. Our CareSens S Fit blood glucose meter is added to the new NHS England National Diabetes Framework as a recommended product.

    As a result, we’re already talking to 75% of Integrated Care Boards, potentially reaching 4,000 GP practices and benefitting up to 5,000 people.

  6. More areas of the NHS get Spirit support with Medicines Optimisation than ever before.

    This directly reflects our mission to make health easy for healthcare services and patients by seeking alternative perspectives and implementing effective solutions.

  7. New products being developed to support deprescribing.

    Starting with opioids and anti-depressants, our new product Med:icine will help support the NHS and patients in reducing their usage in a controlled and medically appropriate way.

  8. New train-the-trainer programme launched

    We launched our scalable way of upskilling diabetes nurses and other NHS healthcare professionals to deliver our EMPOWER program. This helps more people with diabetes to get the education they need to manage their condition well, avoid complications and live better while also saving the NHS money.

  9. Our online education programs are as effective as face-to-face delivery

    We are proud to say our research shows that both our online EMPOWER diabetes education programmes and our new digital pulmonary rehabilitation service are as effective as when they’re delivered face-to-face. This means that people with caregiving responsibilities, work commitments or transport issues can get the same improvement in their health without the need to travel – making health easy for more people in the UK.

  10. Attending conferences and trade missions across the world

    Spirit Health has been represented on a global stage more than ever before. We’ve been spreading the word about our products and services, developing our partnerships and even working with others to explore how we can collaborate to support the rehabilitation and reconstruction agenda in Ukraine!  All of our international work, we hope will lead to building more resilient health systems and supporting people to live well.

This is just a snapshot of some our achievements. Read more about our culture, our achievements, the difference we make in our 2023 Yearbook.

Take a look at our 2023 Yearbook.

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