What is Active Implementation and how does it support the NHS?

We spoke to Julia Bevan, Spirit Implement Nurse, to find out how her role supports the NHS with our Active Implementation service.

By on May 24, 2023

Active Implementation™ is a full end-to-end service that we provide the NHS when helping them to drive change. The service saves the NHS time and resources as its executed by our team of nationwide Pharmacists, Nurses and Technicians.

As part of this service, we work with various teams to analyse patient data, carry out clinical audits and patient reviews as well as training.

Julia Bevan is one of our dedicated Spirit Implement Nurses and below she gives us the low down on how Active Implementation™ works and supports the NHS.


Hi Julia, can you explain what Active Implementation™ is and how it works?

“Sure thing. Spirit’s Active Implementation™ service is where our national team made up of Pharmacists, Nurses, and Technicians work with medicines optimisation teams and primary care teams to actively implement changes on their behalf to meet their strategic goals. After the KPIs and milestones have been agreed upon, we then work with the primary care teams to help drive the desired changes – which is where I come in. This involves either working remotely or in practice to audit patient data and identify patients suitable for a review. Once patients have been identified we then gain approval from the practice to proceed.

The process is completely transparent, with information, insights and progress constantly shared with the NHS teams we’re working with. This allows greater collaboration with our NHS colleagues.

The service ensures that each change made is effective, seamless, and professional.”


What does a typical day look like as a Spirit Implement nurse?

“It sounds cliché, but every day really is different! Some days I’m working remotely, so I’ll run thorough searches to identify patients suitable to be switched onto a different product or treatment aligned to the project requirements. I will notify the patients once the GP has signed off the patient list. The GP has the final say in deciding which patients will be seen and changed to a new product.

Other days I may be in practices seeing patients face-to-face and running clinics. Clinical work can vary from face-to-face group sessions to one on one sessions or telephone consultations depending on which product, therapy area and service the practice would like us to focus on. Once the patients are educated on the product and are happy to change over, I update the patient records. “


How does Active Implementation support the NHS?

“From my experience, Active Implementation is a super useful tool for our NHS colleagues. In essence, it’s the driver in enacting plans that deliver cost efficiencies and optimise patient care. I’ve seen first-hand where local systems aren’t spending budgets efficiently and where a simple switch to an alternative Spirit product, for example, could deliver significant potential savings. But it’s one thing knowing you can save money or improve patient care by doing a switch, and another thing knowing you then must act on this knowledge which often requires resource and time, something which is of limited supply in the NHS currently. This is where Active Implementation is invaluable, as the resource we provide, which includes myself, really helps drive positive change on a ground level without disrupting an already busy workforce.”


How do you communicate with NHS teams to keep them engaged and informed so they feel supported?

“How we communicate with the NHS is crucial and something we pride ourselves on. How we communicate largely depends on the preference of the practice we’re working with. For example, I may communicate with certain GP surgeries by email for minimal disruption. But then I may also educate staff on new medical devices virtually over Microsoft Teams or even face-to-face. Whatever they prefer. Although, if possible, I do like to see the teams face-to-face as this is the best way to maintain a long-term partnership, in my opinion.”


What current projects are you working on?

“At the moment, I am working on projects that involve blood glucose meters, insulin needles and oral nutritional supplements. It’s fantastic that we can support the NHS in many different therapy areas.”


What’s been your biggest highlight this year?

“My biggest highlight this year has been branching into the new therapy area of Oral Nutritional Supplements. This is a completely new and different area for me but learning new skills and building on my knowledge has been exciting and insightful. Working remotely has been another highlight in that it allows me to cover more practices and workload in delivering positive change for the NHS.”


What’s your favourite part of your role as a Spirit Health Nurse?

“Definitely the variety the job provides to me on a daily basis.

One day I could be working with different clinical systems to develop and carry out in-depth audit work within primary care. The next day I could be enjoying educating and working with patients so they’re happy and understand any new products or treatments prescribed as a result of the work we’re doing.

This variety really does keep me on my toes and puts a smile on my face. Well, that and being part of providing a high-quality service whilst saving our NHS money and improving patient outcomes!”


What’re you looking forward to next year?

“More of the same please! Continuing to work with primary care, but in new therapy areas such as continence and wound care where I feel there are great opportunities for us to provide value both budgetary and patient quality-wise. If we continue to support the NHS through Active Implementation and all the benefits it brings, then that will do me!”


To learn more about our Active Implementation service and how it could work for you, click here. Alternatively, you can fill out our quick and easy ‘get in touch’ form here or by emailing us at meds-op@spirit-health.com

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